Book summary
Book summary
These are prioritized book recommendations. The focus is on what can take your business into a prosperous future.
To succeed an organisation has to continuously improve its ability to handle any challenge, indeed also unknown challenges. Learning is an essential piece in creating this ability.
Groundbreaking books
These authors know what they are talking about and have a long lasting solid ground in their thinking. Most of them have written several books, also worth reading but not mentioned here.
Must read!
Supporting books
These sources support the value driven way of running an organisation. Need to read!
Title | Author |
The Lean Startup | Eric Ries |
The Innovators method | Nathan Furr |
Lean Enterprise | Jez Humble |
The Agile Marketer | Roland Smart |
The Silo Effect | Gillian Tett |
Team of Teams | Chris Fussell |
The Principles of Product Development Flow | Donald Reinertsen |
B4B | J.B. Wood |
Value Merchants | James C Andersson |
The Black Swan | Nassim Nicholas Talib |
Running Lean | Ash Maurya |
Lean UX | Jeff Gothelf |
Principles | Ray Dalio |
Blue Ocean Shift | W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne |
Confirming books
Basic knowledge of Lean, Agile and similar proven systems. There are plenty of books on this topic, just a few listed here.
Read if you want to!
Title | Author |
Succeeding with Agile | Mike Cohn |
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Implementing Lean Software Development | Mary Poppendieck |
The Leader's Guide to Radical Management | Stephen Denning |
Agile for Managers | Per-Magnus Skoogh |
Agile Project Management with Scrum | Ken Schwaber |
Agile Project Management | Jim Highsmith |
Personal Skill books
Read to develop your personal skills and craftsmanship, this is good stuff
Title | Author | Category |
The coaching habit | Michael Bungay Stanier | Coaching |
Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well | Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen | Coaching |
Insight: The Power of Self-Awareness in a Self-Deluded World | Tasha Eurich | Coaching |
Coaching Agile Teams | Lyssa Adkins | Coaching |
The Discomfort Zone | Marcia Reynolds | Coaching |
Jeff Patton | Business ownership | |
The Art of Learning | Josh Waitzkin | Effectiveness |
How to Connect in Business in 90 seconds or Less | Nicholas Bothman | Personal development |
Stephen M. R. Covey | Personal development | |
The 12 Week Year | Brian P. Moran | Effectiveness |
Tools of Titans | Timothy Ferriss | Effectiveness |
Drive | Dan Pink | Leadership |
Getting Things Done | David Allen | Effectiveness |
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen R. Covey | Effectiveness |
Mastering Metrics | Joshua D. Angris | Metrics |
How to Measure Anything | Douglas W. Hubbard | Metrics |
The speed of Trust | Stephen M.R. Covey | Leadership |
The Advantage | Patrick Lencioni | Leadership |
Book Rockies
Books looking interesting but not really evaluated.
Outdated books
Hopelessly stuck in the old world of Analyzing what the future will look like or Command and Control. Do not read, not even a summary
Title | Author |
Inspired | Marty Cagan |
Focus | Al Ries |
Competitive Strategy | Michael E. Porter |
The 10X Rule | Grant Cardone |
Zero to One | Peter Thiel |
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