Book summary

Book summary

These are prioritized book recommendations. The focus is on what can take your business into a prosperous future.

To succeed an organisation has to continuously improve its ability to handle any challenge, indeed also unknown challenges. Learning is an essential piece in creating this ability.   

Groundbreaking books
These authors know what they are talking about and have a long lasting solid ground in their thinking. Most of them have written several books, also worth reading but not mentioned here.

Must read!

Supporting books
These sources support the value driven way of running an organisation. Need to read!
The Lean StartupEric Ries
The Innovators methodNathan Furr
Lean EnterpriseJez Humble
The Agile MarketerRoland Smart
The Silo EffectGillian Tett
Team of TeamsChris Fussell
The Principles of Product Development FlowDonald Reinertsen
B4BJ.B. Wood
Value MerchantsJames C Andersson
The Black SwanNassim Nicholas Talib
Running LeanAsh Maurya
Lean UXJeff Gothelf
PrinciplesRay Dalio
Blue Ocean ShiftW. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne

Confirming books
Basic knowledge of Lean, Agile and similar proven systems. There are plenty of books on this topic, just a few listed here.

Read if you want to! 

Personal Skill books
Read to develop your personal skills and craftsmanship, this is good stuff
The coaching habitMichael Bungay StanierCoaching
Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback WellDouglas StoneSheila HeenCoaching
Insight: The Power of Self-Awareness in a Self-Deluded WorldTasha EurichCoaching
Coaching Agile TeamsLyssa AdkinsCoaching
The Discomfort ZoneMarcia ReynoldsCoaching

User Story Mapping

Jeff PattonBusiness ownership
The Art of LearningJosh WaitzkinEffectiveness
How to Connect in Business in 90 seconds or LessNicholas BothmanPersonal development

The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

Stephen M. R. CoveyPersonal development
The 12 Week YearBrian P. MoranEffectiveness
Tools of TitansTimothy FerrissEffectiveness
DriveDan PinkLeadership
Getting Things DoneDavid AllenEffectiveness
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleStephen R. CoveyEffectiveness
Mastering MetricsJoshua D. AngrisMetrics
How to Measure AnythingDouglas W. HubbardMetrics
The speed of Trust

Stephen M.R. Covey

The AdvantagePatrick LencioniLeadership

Book Rockies
Books looking interesting but not really evaluated.
Hacking MarketingScott Brinker
Scrum marketingJames S Wright
Agile MarketingJeff Julian


Greg McKeown

Outdated books
Hopelessly stuck in the old world of Analyzing what the future will look like or Command and Control. Do not read, not even a summary
InspiredMarty Cagan
FocusAl Ries
Competitive StrategyMichael E. Porter
The 10X RuleGrant Cardone
Zero to OnePeter Thiel

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