Supporting books
Supporting books
These sources support the value driven way of running an organisation. Need to read!
Title | Author |
The Lean Startup | Eric Ries |
The Innovators method | Nathan Furr |
Lean Enterprise | Jez Humble |
The Agile Marketer | Roland Smart |
The Silo Effect | Gillian Tett |
Team of Teams | Chris Fussell |
The Principles of Product Development Flow | Donald Reinertsen |
B4B | J.B. Wood |
Value Merchants | James C Andersson |
The Black Swan | Nassim Nicholas Talib |
Running Lean | Ash Maurya |
Lean UX | Jeff Gothelf |
Principles | Ray Dalio |
Blue Ocean Shift | W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne |
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