Explore the Lean Startup

Business Driven Development AB, Horizon 3

Explore the Lean Startup


What are the important thoughts about customer need <monetizable pain or gain> and our solution to help the customer to do their job <value proposition> ?


How can we validate our assumptions quickly and reliable? <measurable result>


What is the smallest possible interaction with the customer we can deliver to be able to validate our Hypothesis <experiment in a couple of days or weeks>? 


We believe that  <this capability>

Will result in <this outcome according to our Assumption>

We will know we have succeeded when <a measurable signal according to our Hypothesis>


  • Select a new Product or main Functionality, you have been dreaming of, from your business context.
  • Define your Assumption, Hypothesis, and MVP according to the description above.
  • Write down a statement according to the template above. 

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