Explore your offerings with the Boston matrix
Business Driven Development AB, Horizon 3
Explore your offerings with the Boston matrix
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Order/Faktura | Mobilt säljstöd | Varianthantering | Bokföring |
Butikskassa | Ärendehantering | Unifaun/Pacsoft-koppling | Leverantörsfaktura/Utgifter |
CRM/Offert | Dokumenthantering | Multilager | Klarna-koppling |
Webshop-koppling | Lagerhantering | Direktinköp/Dropship | DIBS-koppling |
Multishop | Inköp | 3PL-kopplingar | E-faktura Leverantörer |
Kreditupplysning | Avtalsfakturering | Internationell momshantering |
- Place the Products/Functions of your group in the most appropriate quadrant (Question Mark, Star, Dog, Cash Cow).
- Place one Product/Function, which is not found in the list above, in the Question Mark quadrant.
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