After training evaluation

This evaluation is intended to assess the degree to which participants apply to their daily job objectives and skills learned during training.

Please give feedback on the outcome of the course and your learning. Remember that 10% of the learning may come from the formal course. 20 % comes from your own studying after the course and 70% comes from practicing concepts, mindset, and principals in your daily work.


Select the course you attended, name and date: <Drop-down menu>

Your role

Select the most appropriate role: <Drop-down menu>

Did you take the certification exam?

Yes, and I passed
Yes, but I failed
No, but I will
No, and I will not
What exam?

How do you assess the result?

I am using what I learned in my daily work
There are noticeable changes in individual and team performance after the course
I am performing significantly better in my role compared to prior to the course
I have no impediments or obstacles hindering me to use my new skills
I feel supported and motivated to use the new skills I learned
I have changed my behavior in my role as a result of my new insights

On a scale from zero to ten, how likely are you to recommend our training to a friend or colleague?

0 Not at all likely
5 Neutral
10 Extremely likely

Is there anything you need in the work environment to help you use what you’ve learned?


How would you like to improve the training for a more sustainable result?


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