Legal requirements FFFS 2014 5

Legal requirements FFFS 2014 5

Hypothesis Statement
Forall our customers
whoare worried about our slow response and think we have a poor quality in IT-services
thelegally compliant development process
is anmarketing opportunity
thatmakes our business trustworthy and long lived.
Unlikea bureaucratic implementation 
our solutionhelps us develop solutions fast and flexible with customer focus.

Business outcome hypothesis

Increase the Customer Satisfaction Index by 10 % during next year

  • Aligned with agile ways of working will make the process value driven maximizing our throughput
  • Beneficial for daily work and acknowledged by all team members
  • Collaboration with and approval from FSA will make the process solid and unquestionable
In scope
  • The entire development process from idea to delivery including both business and IT
Out of scope
  • Central documentation of daily process activities
Leading Indicators
  • First team visit by FSA within a month
  • NPS score above 8 for first team to recommend the development process
  • Positive response from 50% of customers we reach out to within two months

Built in team responsibility for:

  • Quality measurement of both product and process
  • Continuois improvement
  • Value driven customer experience

Use well proven standardized frameworks, no need to invent a framwork of our own

Appealing symbol for and market message for FSA-approval 


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