Business Driven Development AB, Horizon 3
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AAAARRRThe Pirate Funnel is a framework to cut a company in pieces and shows you where to focus your attention. The framework was developed called the Pirate Funnel because the first letters spell out AAARRR for Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Ref
Acquisition - how many people visit your product site or get your offering?
Acquisition metrics include: Visit-to-lead conversion rate: the percentage of your site visitors who become leads. Contacts generated: how many contacts you’ve created over a given time period. Leads generated: how many leads you’ve created over a given t
Activation - how many people take the first step (signup, post comment, etc)?
Activation metrics include, mostly applicable when someone can sign up for your product without talking to sales: Product qualified leads (PQLs): how many people are using your product in a way that indicates they’re ready to upgrade or become paid custom
Awareness - how many people do you reach?
Awareness metrics include: Website visits: how many people are visiting your website on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Click-through rate (CTR): the percentage of people who click on a hyperlink vs. the number of people who see that hyperlink. Impres
BBDD H3Welcome to your new team space This is a home for your team. It's where you do things together, and keep important team-related information. Use it for team rituals, to share news, and to do things like plan around your team members' vacations. To start,
BDD Horisont 3
Välkommen! Det här är startsidan för vårt Affärsutvecklings-space. Till skillnad från vanliga fil-baserade strukturer är det här en informatosdatabas, som möjliggör många olika sätt att skriva och söka efter det som är intressant. All information är publi
Bifogade filer
Business tools |
CConflunce cloudEn del saker som inte fungerar (på grund av säkerhetsskäl) när det gäller "Confluence cloud" som vi har: Det finns ingen "Custom HTML" under administrationen. Det går inte att b
DDeliveriesDesign Thinking Agenda To make every meeting effective we use an agenda inspired by Design Thinking. In this way, we can hopefully avoid creating just creating some plan, agreement, or document warming the shelves. When we leave in the afternoon it should be clear what delivery
EExplore the Lean StartupAssumption What are the important thoughts about customer need <monetizable pain or gain> and our solution to help the customer to do their job <value proposition> ? Hypothesis How can we validate our assumptions quickly and reliable? <measurable result>
Explore your offerings with the Boston matrix
BostonMatrix.jpg ProductLifeCycle.jpg Product/Functions Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Order/Faktura Mobilt säljstöd Varianthantering Bokföring Butikskassa Ärendehantering Unifaun/Pacsoft-koppling Leverantörsfaktura/Utgifter CRM/Offert Dokumenthantering
Explore your Read & Blue Oceans
The source of this information comes from Path Head-to-Head Competition Blue Ocean Creation Industry Focuses on rivals within its industry Looks across alternative industries Strategic Group Focuses
FFoldersFörfattare Namn, antal sidor och senaste ändring BDD Horisont 3
GGreatnessIn Jim Collings style, greatness can be defined as:
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MMeasured impactMeasured result Measured sustainability Meetings Metrics |
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OOur FlywheelFlywheel.jpg Inspiration AmazonFlywheel.png
Our pirate metrics - business action
Collecting data and keeping track of the result is a big work and can be supported by a system that automates the measurement and reporting. This template contains simplified and basic metrics used to introduce and learn the Pirate metrics model.
PPirate metrics |
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RReferal - how many people refer friends to your business?Referral metrics include: NPS score: how willing your customers are to recommend your product or service to others. Social shares: how often your customers are sharing your content with their networks on social media. Review rates: how many reviews you re
Rekommenderad läsning Nedanstående litteratur är rekommenderad i prioriteringsordning. Fokus ligger på framtidssäkrade affärer. Groundbreaking books Supporting books Confirming books Personal Skill books Book Rockies Outdated books
Retention - how many people come back for a second/third/tenth time? Retention metrics include: Customer lifetime value (CLV): the average amount of revenue you receive per customer over the entirety of your engagement with them. Retention rate: the percentage of customers who stay with your company over a given time perio
Revenue - how many people start paying and how much do they pay?
Revenue metrics include: Average deal size: the average dollar value of your closed deals. Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): how much revenue you can expect to earn on a monthly basis from both new and existing businesses. Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): h
SSustainability |
TTemplate Business Model CanvasTemplate Value Proposition Canvas Templates |
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WWays of workingWiki guideline Conflunce är ett modernt verktyg för att skapa en egen wiki Det bästa sättet att lära sig använda Confluence är att själv skapa och redigera sidor, så viktigaste är att bara börja! Den första frågan brukar vara: "Men va
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