Unfortunately, board members seldom engage in business architecture nor do they have the expertise to model and explore alternatives. Their alternative is to expand strategic authority for the C-level and to reshape business structures.
The human side of Modularization
Managers want to be a part of an organization that faces a new market. Where the money is
The role is to serve not to rule the customer-facing
Monolith enterprise with Value Streams & Systems
The concept of value streams can help to understand how an enterprise operates.
Disruptive innovation
Organize for Complexity, Niels Plegel
Project to Product Mik Kersten
Principles of Product Development FLow, Don
Regardless of excellency in transforming into Lean-Agile development, the burden of the legacy structure is a strategic obstacle that inhibits execution in cadence and synchronization. Thus, removing the benefits of enabling short feedback cycles as the underlying idea in Lean and Agile.